Briefing: new look investment market

Author: HPG Advisory

With the remaining liquidity issues from the recession feeling like a little bit of a hangover, the market for investment has seen real change. Appreciating and understanding the new ways as to where hospitality will see investment is integral.

Who are the new investors? What does the market look like at the moment? How can you ensure investment into projects? These are just a few of the questions answered in this week’s briefing.

Experts include:

  • Timothy Lloyd-Hughes, of Deutsche Bank, on the new investment coming to the market
  • Mark Wynne-Smith, Global CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, on the organisations in the middle of the financing gap.
  • Nick van Marken, Global Hospitality Leader of Deloitte LLP, on the new product that is coming to market.
  • And Kingsley Seevaratnam, of Westmont Hospitality Management, on the power of relationship lending against new investors.
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