Briefing: a focus on the UK hospitality market

Author: HPG Advisory

The mature UK market has seen many changes in the last few years, not least in the change for demand in new hotel product as well as the lack of funding for new projects. One factor, however, has remained a constant.

The contrast between the provincial market and the London market has never been so different. London is a safe-haven for investors and good assets are at a premium. This of course isn’t the case in the provinces with many of the markets still struggling.

Is this about to change? And where is the future of the UK market? Experts in this briefing discuss, including comment from:

  • Andrew Taylor, National Head of Leisure at NatWest, on the future of the UK market
  • Rob Gray, Director & Head of Hotels & Leisure within RBS Global Restructuring, on the downturns seen in the UK market
  • Patrick Sanville, Director of Hotels at BNP Paribas Real Estate on where the funding is coming from for this market
  • And Rob Seabrook, Head of Hotel Transactions at Savills on liquidity returning to the provincial UK market

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